Zing hard
Collaboration with
In this theatrical song program, singer Nike van Essen tries to find an actual meaning of Bertolt Brechts (1898, playwright) songs within the context of today’s society.
By using this dark, cynical material which is a complaint against war, oppression and poverty, she made a tribute to humanity as a whole.
Together with pianist Dennis Broeders she performed the songs Eisler made for Brechts plays. Joost Dekker translated them into Dutch.
Terror Kittens made a transformative costume which changes during the play. At the same time it is used as a set piece. In the beginning it starts as the backdrop which is attached to ropes. When Nike appears, she changes it into a costume by cutting the ropes, one by one. This visualises the content of the songs in a metaphorical way which also defines the atmosphere in which these songs originally were made.